By letting go of everything the Fool knows, by letting go of trained behaviours and thought patterns, emotional reactions and suspending himself by nothing but faith he actually finds the answers he seeks. Sometimes you have to be inactive, immobile, sit in stillness and only then will the answer come. Sometimes not acting is the best answer for how to act. Find Love through Spirituality and the rest will follow...
In the Kabbalah the number twelve symbolises cosmic perfection. It's the heavenly and earthly union. We find the number twelve in many aspects of our earthly lives, twelve months, twelve hours and twelve tribes of Israel. It can also be a number of sacrifice and trial.
The Hanged Man will help and support you when your value system has shifted so deeply that you feel fundamentally different. You might be reaching a state of Enlightnement and as such circumstances and friends might change, this might be scary, but you're evolving and so anything but this new way of viewing things would be to take a step back...