Speaking only Truth and learning to balance life through his now greater Wisdom, the Fool can achieve Harmony. It's not about interpreting the law blindly, it's about living a harmonious life with all things taken into account. The Fool is learning that the life you're living is the life you deserve, hence, if you live a virtuous life you'll be duly rewarded. You are a mirror of your partner, always strive for the outmost Self Love, as you can only Love others like you Love yourself.
In the Kabbalah the number eight is a material number that expresses a connection with the earth. It symbolises firmness, solidity and stability. It stands for legal matters and also eternity. The never ending search for Spiritual Truth.
Justice will help you out when you need to see the Real Truth of a situation. She'll make sure your internal strengths and weaknesses balance, be Truthful to yourself and others and you'll achieve balance and harmony in your life. Listen to that inner voice, it knows right from wrong.