The message of the Lovers is that you always have to choose. As people we have free will and we can choose the right or wrong course of action. What that means to you as an individual is of course based on your own internal moral compass. However, if you live a fulfilled and positive life, guided by Love and Truth, there is only ever one choice. And by choosing it you can feel whole and satisfied at the same time. The Lovers are trying to teach the Fool to take responsibility for his actions and to enforce decisiveness.
In the Kabbalah the number six stands for harmony, systems, stability and the balance of powers. The Star of David is made up of overlapping triangles which symbolise the connection between the spiritual and physical world. It's therefore apparent that none should ever exist without the other or it becomes destructive.
The Lovers will help you when you seek the companionship or friendship of a partner. Two people should always come together in trust, opening your Heart to Love and Truth will invite the infinite possibilities of Love into your life. There is only ever one choice and that's to listen to your Inner Voice and act with Love in your Heart.