Sunday, 29 June 2014

Major Arcana - The Lovers

Our beloved Fool is growing up and as such he's placed at a crossroads. It's a physical as well as a metaphorical one. The two women beckon him to come closer, whom shall he chose? Which one is better? Cupid isn't about to make it any easier as he hovers above the Fool, he's aiming at him, not the women. The Lovers is all about decisions, which road should you take? Body or soul? Virtue or sin? There's internal conflict and the only way to chose what's right is through utilising what you've already learnt...

The message of the Lovers is that you always have to choose. As people we have free will and we can choose the right or wrong course of action. What that means to you as an individual is of course based on your own internal moral compass. However, if you live a fulfilled and positive life, guided by Love and Truth, there is only ever one choice. And by choosing it you can feel whole and satisfied at the same time. The Lovers are trying to teach the Fool to take responsibility for his actions and to enforce decisiveness. 

In the Kabbalah the number six stands for harmony, systems, stability and the balance of powers. The Star of David is made up of overlapping triangles which symbolise the connection between the spiritual and physical world. It's therefore apparent that none should ever exist without the other or it becomes destructive. 

The Lovers will help you when you seek the companionship or friendship of a partner. Two people should always come together in trust, opening your Heart to Love and Truth will invite the infinite possibilities of Love into your life. There is only ever one choice and that's to listen to your Inner Voice and act with Love in your Heart.

Major Arcana - The High Priest

After having found his Father figure the Fool journeys on to meet Faith and reveal the power of spirituality. Here he finds The High Priest, he sits between two pillars and wears a headdress called a mitre as a sign of his connection to a higher power. The sceptre he holds stands for spiritual power on three levels, the physical, intellectual and divine. He's holding it in his left hand symbolising that he reigns with his heart. The High Priest is the spiritual bridge that gives meaning to the physical, he allows us to cross borders. 

This is where the Fool finds meaning to his physical existence on this plane. The High Priest teaches us traditional wisdom, moral values and reveals sacred truths already known to the Soul. Through the High Priest we learn to act with sympathy and how faith can actually go hand in hand with knowledge. In order to live a fulfilled life we all need faith, whatever that means to the individual attaining it. In relationships the High Priest stands for trust and affection, the connection between two souls. 

In the Kabbalah number five symbolises the Universal soul of man. It stands for love and feeling. A five pointed star, a pentagram stands for earth, air, water, fire and spirit. All of them needed to make a whole. Substance gives meaning to all things.

The High Priest or the Hierophant will support you when you are asking yourself deep questions about spirituality and who you are. He can provide traditional answers of wisdom or help you probe further to seek your own answers to the meaning of your very existence. Meditate, when your mind is still, you'll hear your Inner Voice. When the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear.